Business coaching and Facilitation

Business coaching and Facilitation

Business coaching and Facilitation

Are you looking for a business coach or mentor to help keep you focused? Are you looking for some external input into your future plans? If so, and you are an aspiring business looking for a hand then look no further.

At Evolutio, our team are experienced in business coaching and facilitating strategic sessions with staff, stakeholders, clients, customers and service users.

If you want your business to grow many times its current size, who better to help and guide you than someone who has already made that journey, someone who is skilled and experienced in mentoring small businesses and social enterprises?


After a series of meetings, Evolutio came up with some very innovative ideas and changes that I needed to implement. I was introduced to concepts that I was not aware of, and my eyes were opened to many opportunities available to me and my business. We now have a very exciting programme of various initiatives which has completely rejuvenated my enthusiasm for my business. John has amazing IT and Website skills and knowledge, tremendous business awareness and runs excellent training and development sessions. I strongly recommend that business owners need Evolutio to help review their current business model and I can virtually guarantee that he will come up with some excellent profitable business ideas for you. The results are truly amazing.

Contact us now if you would like to know more or have an initial informal chat.